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 As we edge closer to global consensus on climate change and the need to reduce emissions, the fokus has moved from debating the science or the need for global action to the responsibility of perorangan countries to provide assistance to those affected.


Not all countries have same capability to reduce emissions, measure and report progress, or increase resilience against climate change. To make matters worse, the countries that do not have these capabilities, such as Bangladesh, are often the ones that suffer the worst efeks of climate change. To breach this jarak, climate negotiators and officials often refer to "capacity building".

In Bangladesh, we need more local ability to both prevent catastrophic climate change (mitigation), and also to setuju with its efeks (adaptation). Local people need the skills to use important climate-related technologies. Improved rencana and akses to climate information, for instance, can allow farmers to better prepare for disasters and cope with climatic variability.

When it comes to mitigation, the fokus is on developing and promoting renewable energy that not only reduces emission, but will also create opportunities for green jobs.

Although hundreds of millions of dollars have already been invested in climate change capacity-building proyeks, it's clear that the capacity jarak is not being properly addressed.

To protek the vulnerable from the efeks of climate change, we have to do better. But first we have to work out what has gone wrong so far.

Powerpoint won't setop climate change

What does capacity building look like in practice?

Our pengalaman in Bangladesh is this: developed countries allocate funds for proyeks or programs aimed at climate change capacity building, and allocate the money to their own official development assistance agencies. These agencies often go on to assign privat consultancy companies from their own country to the programme.

The privat companies then send consultants to the designated country to provide short-term assistance which, in most cases, is given in the form of workshops and presentations.

The consultants usually do not know the local language, and so conduct their workshops in their own language, (which, of course, is usually a second language for the pemirsa, who are trying to build their capacity). Often, do not they know the context of the country they are working in.

After this, we see few more visits by the designated consultants, some report writing, and just like that: capacity building has happened. By the end of the programme, a major part of the funding available for capacity building has gone to the development agen and the consultancy company.

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